Due to the fact that no one who is actually masculine lives in the city, specialty tea drinkers like Tony Teagle (32) have to occasionally travel to regional Australia to get their annual shot of bloke.

“I actually love it out in big country,” stated Teagle, possibly quoting a Cohen brothers film or Wes Anderson or someone else who makes those types of movies.

“Once this area gets a place that does real coffee and an Apple store I could really see myself putting down a good old dinkum setta roots here.”

Unfortunately for Teagle, the sight of his groomed facial hair is enough to make every bloke at the local stare at him in silence and as someone who just recently read Wake In Fright for book club, that really is not an option.

So to fly under the old country steam-powered radar, Teagle went and bought himself a shiny new Akubra just like the ones the locals have, or rather had, back when they first bought them 30 years ago.

“The guy at the shop said I was in the top 1% of big heads he’s ever seen,” stated Teagle with an energy that can only be described as pride.

“I blend right in now.”

At the time of writing, Teagle’s country cousin Mark reckons it would be funny to take him roo shooting just so he can see how much he doesn’t blend in but states he can’t be bothered driving his cousin to the hospital after he inevitably shoots off 40% of his own toes.


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