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A local accountant has revealed he may be harbouring some insecurities about having the most boring job on earth by yet again bringing up the short stint he had as a bartender in 2008.
Josh Waterford [31] was enjoying some pale ale in the pub when the opportunity to flex his street cred came up, as one of his mates did a shit jug pour and ended up with a schooner that was 50% – prompting Josh to show him the ‘proper’ way.
“Nah you’ve got to hold the glass like this”, says Josh, tipping the schooner on an angle, “that way you don’t get too much head.”
“First thing they teach you as a bartender.”
Grabbing the other empty schooners on the table, Josh takes a painful amount of time to pointedly pour each beer, giving his mate the same look a father does when teaching his son an important life skill.
“See? You ideally don’t want anything bigger than two fingers.”
Of course, the bartending stint he’s referring to is less ‘dive bar’, and more so the canteen he volunteered at when he was a part of the Sydney uni rugby club.
“God, I really do miss being a bartender sometimes, it was a lot of fun”, he reminisces to no one in particular as everyone had already moved in with the conversation, “got hit on all the time.”
“Sometimes I think about going back.”
More to come.