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A Betoota Heights couple have this week been given a stark reality check, after having the audacity to ask their mates to help them move house despite having the means to hire a moving company.

Jen and Morgan Tallis are alleged to have sent their friends a few messages enquiring if they were ‘free to help move house’ in a few weekends, with promises that they’ll generously chuck in a few slabs and host a Sunday BBQ as thanks.

However, seeing as both the couple and their friends are all in their mid thirties, everyone was ‘sadly unavailable to help’, citing numerous excuses – but The Advocate learns the real reason why.

“If you’re in your thirties and asking mates to help you move house, you have a screw loose”, says Matt, “this isn’t like moving out of your share house when you’re 18 and don’t have two cents to rub together.”

“I’m 35 for fuck’s sake, my knees aren’t equipped to carry your giant bed frame or the 56 other items of furniture.”

“Dom has a hernia, Brea is tiny and probably couldn’t even lift an end table.”

“Paul has a fucked back.”

“Stop being a cheap cunt and hire a van.”

More to come.


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