EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A local office worker successfully kept her natural bodily functions under wraps today by discreetly requesting a tampon via Slack, it’s reported.

Despite having no reason to feel embarrassed about a normal part of life, 28-year-old Lilly Avalon still felt compelled to be covert about her period—leading to a tampon handoff that resembled a clandestine drug deal.

Shooting through a message to her work bestie, Lilly was then seen coyly walking over to her colleagues desk under the guise of simply dropping by for a chat.

There, with quick glances to make sure no one was watching, the tampon was handed over in a way that resembled a secretive drug deal, complete with the hush of whispered thanks and a swift return to her desk.

Speaking to our reporter Effie, Lilly says she lives in fear of any of her male coworkers finding out she is normal functioning human.

“I know as a grown woman I shouldn’t have to hide the fact I have a period”, admits Lilly, “but I’ve just been conditioned to be discrete about it.”

“I suppose I’m just reinforcing the stigma though, aren’t I?”

More to come.


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