ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A group of friends from the North Betoota Cricket Club have gone on tour this week, with news filtering back home that they’ve made it to London safe and sound.

Many of the blokes travelling over to the Europe confirmed to The Advocate before they left that they’d never actually been overseas before and that they were looking forward to the challenge of adjusting to life in London.

“We’ll be here for a week before heading out bush to play a bit of cricket,” said team captain Lewis Karnish.

“The big red bus arrived in at Heathrow this morning, so we all put our bags down and found a pub near the hostel to sink some bulk piss in but it wasn’t that flash. But we found this Australian bar about two blocks down on river. It’s grouse, mate.”

After spending the better part of the morning and the worst part of the afternoon crawling through Temple gastropubs and traditional bars, the group made their way down to Walkabout, an institution and rite-of-passage for many a young Australian in London.

Showing their Queensland licences at the door, the team piled into the main bar and immediately spotted a fridge full of Milton Mangoes and a rerun of the Cowboys playing the Roosters back in 2009.

“This place is off the chain,” said wicketkeeper Darryl Beanpole.

“I could fucking live here, mate. Cheap piss, great weather and it’s full of Aussies.”

More to come.



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