A treasured national pastime, outdoor cinemas are all the fun of watching a movie you’ve already seen combined with additional scenery and all the uncertainty of the natural world. Without a doubt, the hardest part of Australian winters are having to wave a sad, seasonal goodbye to our glorious outdoor cinemas.
But it doesn’t have to be hard! Here are our tips on how to survive without outdoor cinemas this winter!
1. Watch A Movie With All The Windows And Doors Open
I know it sounds kooky but just hear me out! Opening all the doors and windows in your home while watching a movie at full volume will almost make you feel like you’re outdoors. The ruffle of a breeze, chill of the wind, risk of getting shit on by a bird, these are all ways to make you feel like you’re enjoying a good film outdoors for some reason.
2. Sit On The Floor
Picnics can be boring right? Spare a thought for people from the olden days who had to entertain themselves at picnics with each other’s company and the natural environment they chose to enter. Flattening your bum on the floor for the runtime of a film is an easy way to get that outdoor-cinema-picnic feeling at home.
3. Get Bitten By Mozzies
By this point, you’ve already opened your home to the elements (see point 1) but to really scratch that outdoor cinema itch we’re gonna have to take things literally! Grab that bucket full of little wriggly mozzie larvae and pop it in your ‘Outdoor Home Cinema’ a week before your movie so you can be bled dry by both the mozzies and popcorn prices!
4. Post A Story About It
How else are people going to know that you’re the sort of person who thinks this is fun? Be sure to tag ‘the hubby’ and post at ‘wine o’clock’ for peak traffic!
5. Talk Through The Film
Afterall, you’ve already seen it. Lol! This is all just a bit of fun isn’t it! And it’s fine because no one got hurt.