Annie Chesterton (28) a Betoota French Quarter native, has reportedly gone on another rant about the perils of gentrification while forgetting to mention that it was her parents that started the gentrification.

Annie, a mature age uni student from the French quarter yearns for the old days when the inner city still had its edgy side and these gentrifiers weren’t coming in and destroying the soul of the area.

“When I was a kid you couldn’t walk down half these streets if you weren’t from here, it was rough but at least there was actually a sense of community unlike now”

When pressed on whether or not Annie could even tell The Advocate the name of her neighbours when she was a kid she quickly changed the subject

Annie belongs to a growing number of born and raised Inner city residents whose parents bought cheap houses there in the 90s to eventually outnumber the traditional working class residents of the area.

Despite being the daughter of people that spearheaded the gentrification of his own suburb, Annie remains steadfast in his beliefs.

“No one can afford anything here! it’s totally messed up! If I didn’t have my parents place to live at I would literally be forced to leave my hometown!” Annie confessed.

The 29 year old claims that only people that moved into the suburb after she started forming memories are gentrifiers and that her family were actually a part of the fabric of the community despite her not even attending the local public school.

“Yeah the local school there was way too violent, my parents just didn’t want me to be mixing with those types of people.”

Instead, Annie attended an elite private school on the other side of the city.

“Hahah who would’ve thought a kid from the inner city would go to a private school with all those fancy people” Annie boasted.


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