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Two Betoota Heights women have concluded that the only way they can survive post drunken antics embarrassment, is not by curbing their binge drinking but by blaming it all on their alter egos, it’s reported.

Jessica Shipper and Dana Danelli mutually came to this agreement after a particular hazy night on the town, which saw them stumbling home at 4am and helping themselves to random bits of leftover meals in the fridge, which may or may not have belonged to Dana’s roommates.

Both waking up with a throbbing headache and general sense of unease about the night before, the girls were seen letting out intermittent ‘oh my god’ as they remembered some of the cringeworthy things they’d done – half of which were evident in their camera roll, Instagram or the jumbled text messages they refuse to look at.

Staring at each other in horror, the two women were seen going through five stages of embarrassment – shock, disgust, amusement, acceptance and bargaining. 

“Why am I such an absolute goblin after a few wines?”,groaned Jessica, “I got my boob out.”

“Why did I do that?”

Dana, who tried to call a guy several times at 1am despite having only gone on two dates with him, lets out a small whimper.

“It’s like we become someone else…”

“Maybe we need to give our drunk alter ego’s names.”

“Slutty McSlutterson?”, offers Jessica.

“Hmm no, what about…Yasmin and Jasmine”, Dana counters, “naughty Yasmin and Jasmine!”

“Aw that’s cute, I like that!”

More to come.


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