EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A local bloke finally understands why so many of the men at his workplace sport silly socks, after realising his go to black shoe, white combo reminded him of a certain popstar who was big in the 80s, it’s reported.

It’s alleged James Tilbert [32] was unable to find his usual (only pair) of jeans this morning, resulting in him rifling in the back of his drawer to uncover a pair of cuffed trousers he didn’t even remember buying.

Unfortunately, without the hem of his jeans to cover his glaringly white socks, James soon himself overwhelmed with the urge to slide around on his bedroom floor, and do a couple of hip thrusts, while tipping the imaginary fedora on his head and letting out a HEE HEE.

Luckily, James was able to go about his work day without anyone commenting on his accidental MJ costume, though his girlfriend cautioned him to never wear white socks ever again.

More to come.


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