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Watching with a smile as his girlfriend reaches the hour and a half wait mark on Ticketek, Nathan is practically brimming with utter glee at what he’s about to do next.

Some would say his idea of revenge is a bit too far. Other’s would say it’s perfectly justified.

You see, Nathan discovered Chloe was having an affair with her coworker roughly three months ago, after his suspicions prompted him to go though her Whats App messages.

But instead of confronting her, Nathan has instead waited the long game and allowed her to continue her dalliance, completely unaware that he knew it all. And despite feeling as though his heart was about to burst every time he caught her smiling at her phone, Nathan had to remind himself about the game plan.

It’d all be worth it in the end. Even if it did have him at the risk of being murdered in a fit of rage.

And now it’s D-day.

Having stayed home under the pretence of giving his girlfriend some emotional support while she waits in line for a Taylor Swift ticket – and even taking over a shift at the Desktop when she needed a toilet break – Nathan has been practically bursting with excitement.

But not for the reason Chloe is.

“Oh my god, I got in! Fucking finally!”, he hears Chloe shriek, as the Ticketek page finally refreshes, “oh god I really didn’t think I’d get in.”

Letting out a sarcastic ‘yay!’, Nathan immediately leans down and pulls the computer cable out, before standing back and readying himself for all hell to break loose.

More to come.


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