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A Betoota Heights bachelor has this week revealed his commitment issues have manifested at a cellular level, as he admits even his beard struggles to make a connection.

At age thirty eight, Lucas Cuthbert, says it’s not his fault he’s in the prime of his life, and that he’s sure he’ll settle down and have kids by the time he’s forty-ish, because as decent looking guy, he has the luxury of being able to successfully date and father a kid well into his middle age  – and luckily for Lucas, everyone in his family has a full head of hair.

Speaking to The Advocate, Lucas explains his current approach to dating, as well as his rough ten

“I do eventually want to have four kids”, says Lucas, “maybe in a few years though.”

“My partner will have to be a bit younger of course, as it would be tough for a woman in her forties to pop out multiple kids.”

“But yeah, for now, I just want to have fun.”

Rubbing a hand across his patchy beard, Lucas adds that he might try the whole ethically non monogamous thing if he gets lonely, but that’s as far as he’ll go for now.

More to come.


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