THAI? In a tragic yet entirely predictable turn of events, local couple Jake Henderson (28) and Emily Lawson (27)have abandoned their Friday night dinner plans after a grueling 45-minute battle of indecision.

The couple, who have been together for five years, embarked on what they believed would be a simple task—deciding where to eat for dinner. However, as the clock ticked and options dwindled, it became clear that their night was destined for disappointment.

“What do you feel like?” Jake asked, knowing full well this was the beginning of the end.

“I don’t know, what do you feel like?” Emily replied, setting off a back-and-forth that quickly got them no nearer closer to making a decision.

Suggestions were thrown around—Thai, Mexican, Italian, even the reliable local pub. 

Each option came with a hesitant “Nah, not really feeling that” response.

“Thai?” Jake sighed, as the clock struck 8:45 p.m.

The couple’s enthusiasm waned as the realisation set in—they weren’t going anywhere tonight. Settling on Uber Eats, they endured another agonising round of indecision over what to order.

“Let’s just order pizza,” Emily suggested, to which Jake wearily agreed.

More to come.


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