EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A woman who was wooed by the constant influx of bedding ads on her Instagram has now found herself in the midst of filling out a mortgage application, after impulsively purchasing a bedding bundle from a popular website.

Claire Stephens, 29, tells The Advocate that she’s been getting more and more ‘nesty’ lately, having been hit with the urge to decorate an apartment. But unfortunately as a single woman living in modern Australia, having a decent studio apartment is now an aspirational pipedream – which means she’s been focusing on decking out her room.

However, her champagne taste on a beer budget would not allow Claire to simply head to Kmart, instead opting for one of those bed sheet websites that are really, really good at marketing.

“I feel like if my bedroom is put together, then I’m put together”, she explains, “which is why I just spend a ridiculous amount on a bedding bundle.”

Claire says that even though she initially was just looking for a doona cover, the site’s cool Augmented reality features that allowed her to ‘see the bedding’ in her room made her purchase a lot more than was needed.

“I bought a flat sheet, a top sheet, doona cover, two queen pillowcases, two european pillow cases, and a throw blanket.”

“I don’t need all that.”

More to come.


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