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A Betoota Heights woman has been seen attempting to mark her territory on a bloke today, by adding a comment to his Instagram profile that makes it obvious they were recently hanging out.

Kim Davidson, 27, is alleged to have been scrolling through her Instagram when she spotted her crush’s latest post, which just so happened to be a photo she took of him when they went hiking together.

Well, they didn’t go alone, but nobody needs to know that!

“Wow, what a good photographer!” she comments, knowing that every girl interested in Ethan will be scrolling through his comments to suss out the competition.

Pausing before she hits send, Kim decides to spice it up a little bit by adding the creme de le creme – some good old fashioned heart eyes!

Ethan is alleged to have simply heart reacted the comment, which has left his followers questioning the status of the relationship.

More to come.


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