KEITH T. DENNETT | New South Contact

An emergency summit has been called in a Betoota nightclub this evening, as a group of friends attempt to protect their bestie from falling for a bloke with a bad reputation.

The Advocate understands that at 10:42pm this evening, a tribe of gal pals from Betoota Heights were seen dragging their best friend, Julia Edwards, into the bathroom of Amnesia nightclub, to rescue her from the charm of a male that most likely won’t text her back.

After gathering for a few glasses of organic rosé in downtown Betoota, it’s believed the group decided it was worth giving it a proper Friday nudge and kickstart their weekend with a pub crawl through Betoota’s finest establishments.

Yet after stopping by the Royal, the Commercial and knocking back a round of Alabama Slammers at Betoota Vista Social Club, it is believed the troupe found themselves walking on the sticky floors of Amnesia, a little earlier than expected.

After plying through two trays of vodka raspberries, it’s believed a very recently single Julia struck up a conversation with local chippy Travis Hoppus, a notorious fuckboy who’s well known or his exploits around town.

After allowing their friend a short window of flirting by the bar, witnesses say lead bestie Lauren Chapman grabbed Julia by the arm and dragged her into the club bathrooms for a proper drunk chat.

“Yeah he’s cute, but we all know the stories bout Travis,” protested Lauren, whilst her supportive friends nodded.

“He gave Kelly Sherlock herpes back in Year 12, remember?”

“Yeah AND he’s wearing Vans,” added another mate Kaitlyn, who was well versed in Travis’s exploits as she secretly hooked up with him at the races last year before being ghosted days later.

“He might as well wrap red flags around his feet, he’s no good!”

More to come.


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