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Staring at her phone with a mix of both relief and horror, local woman Summer Hobbs comes to the realisation that she has finally been set free.

After a torturous six months (of her own doing), Summer no longer has access to obsessively stalking her boyfriend’s ex’s Instagram stories on a daily basis, from the safe confines of her fake Instagram Thot profile.

Jessica Mirvan has switched her profile to private.

Though Summer would be loathe to admit it, her sick fascination with Jessica has actually resulted in her liking the girl ,and forming somewhat of a parasocial relationship to the point where she quite looks forward to seeing which fun little dive bar Jessica will be visiting this weekend, or updates on her cute pottery creations.

Not to mention her excellent taste in memes.

Letting out a small sigh as exits back to her main Instagram, Summer briefly acknowledges that it really wasn’t a healthy habit to have and it was probably for the best.

More to come.


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