HI IT’S ME: In a world where texting reigns supreme, one local mum continues to champion the art of the lengthy voicemail. Unfazed by the convenience of text messages, she prefers to share every detail of her day in voicemail form, creating mini-audiobooks for her offspring.
Susan Glendale, 65 year old mother of two’s voicemails are often filled with anecdotes, updates, and neighbourhood gossip, and have become a signature feature of her communication style. Despite the occasional eye-roll from recipients expecting a quick text, many have come to appreciate the personal touch and storytelling flair of her voicemails.
“It’s like listening to a slice of her life,” remarked a family member who eagerly anticipates her voicemails. “You get all the details, from what she had for lunch to the latest drama in the neighbourhood.”
While some may view her voicemail habit as a waste of time, seeing as they usually fall on deaf ears – others find it endearing and a refreshing break from the monotony of text-based conversations.
Susan’s commitment to voicemails reminds us of the value of slowing down, listening, and engaging in more personal forms of communication one ends up happening with themselves.
In a world where messages are often condensed into abbreviations and emojis, Susan’s voicemails stand out as a reminder to take the time to share stories, even if they may go unheard.
More to come.