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Refreshing the Slack app in her browser for the third time in ten minutes, it dawns on local office worker Dom Brixton [32] that not a single soul in this office thinks she’s funny.
You see, she just dropped a joke into Slack that she thought was fucking hilarious. In fact, as her fingers had practically flown typing the response, Dom was positive she’d net himself at least four laugh react emojis. Heck, she even thought that one deserved a Giphy response.
But it’s gone down like a lead balloon. And now Dom just feels like pure fucking shit.
“Maybe nobody has seen it yet”, she ponders, “yeah, surely that’s it.”
Turning to her left to take a glance at his coworker’s computer screen, Dom feels her heart break into a thousand pieces as she sees the main work group chat just out there in the open.
Oh! Someone is typing!
“Going for a Woollies run, do we need anything?”, enquires the marketing specialist, Jamie.
Her ship has sailed, and her stupid joke has fallen flat. Dom is a failure.
Letting out a defeated sigh, Dom sends a quick message to her workmate Lisa and asks her to please chuck her a pity react, so she doesn’t look so utterly pathetic.
More to come.