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Local woman Anita Petersham has taken to her Instagram today to announce that she’ll be embarking on the ‘75 Soft’ challenge, which involves completing daily tasks that will ultimately make her life all the worse emotionally, physically and mentally.

Anita, 28, says she created this unique program in direct response to the viral fitness trend, ‘75 Hard’, that’s been dominating her instagram feed for the past four weeks.

The military style fitness program’s daily task involves doing two sets of 45 minutes exercises every day (with one outside), sticking to a rigid nutrition plan, reading ten pages of a non fiction book, and consuming no alcohol – all without a single cheat day, as that will restart the clock.

To counter this challenge, Anita says she’ll be doing the exact opposite of all those things.

“75 Soft is all about becoming the worst version of yourself”, explains Anita, “the aim is to indulge in every vice possible.”

“That way, you can feel more grateful once the program is over.”

Showing us a snippet of the program, Anita says she knows it looks difficult but it’s all about pushing yourself.

“Two three hour Tik Tok scrolls a day, one bottle of wine, all processed food, and ten pages of the Daily Mail.”

“And you have to take daily progression shots of your stool.”

“I think it’s going to become the next big thing.”

More to come.


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