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A Betoota Heights woman has found herself becoming quite the expert on a number of niche topics the past few months, which are a result of sporadic bouts of hyper fixation on news stories that catch her interest – especially if it’s a little bit morbid.

Nicole Hynes [27] tells The Advocate that this all started when she became obsessed with the Titanic submersible disaster in June, stating that she now has a ‘useless bank of knowledge around submersibles’ and how implosion works.

“I spent pretty much half my work day every day researching submersibles”, says Nicole, “and then when I got home, I was watching Tik Toks about it.”

When asked how she’s spending her time now, Nicole admits that her research is split between finding out everything she can about The Matildas and their chances of winning, and how toxic Death Cap mushrooms are.

“I think I’ve learnt all I can about Death Cap mushrooms and how potency works with dehydration, so I’m focussing on the Tillies now”, she explains, “and fuck, I’m so nervous about tonight.”

“But they’ve improved so much since versus Nigeria, and England are missing Lauren James, so that’s going to help us out a lot.”

“Anyway, enough chatting, I need to see how high the chances of rain are for tonight.”

“I feel like England would be used to playing in wet conditions.”

More to come.


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