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In what can only be described as a significant yet debatable step toward personal growth, local woman Claire Brooks, 31, has announced that she has given up her notorious binge drinking habit in favour of a “slightly healthier” addiction.

Claire, once known for her ability to turn a casual Friday night into a three-day bender, now spends her weekends on the couch, playing video games or binge watching low brow animated cartoons.

Claire’s switch came after what she described as a “profound moment of self-reflection,” which happened to coincide with a particularly brutal hangover following a girls night out.

“It was a wake up call I needed to change something about my life”, Claire says with a solemn smile, “Alcohol was taking me down a really dark road.”

“So now, I just smoke weed every day instead.”

Adding that she has an ‘addictive personality’, Claire says she reckons weed is a lot safer than smashing through twelve vodka lime sodas on a night out, for both her liver and her wallet.

“It’s the lesser of two evils.”

More to come.


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