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A car air freshener in Betoota Heights is being pushed to its limits as it battles the persistent smell of old takeaway food left in the vehicle by its owner, who, despite being aware of the odour, seems unfazed by the situation.

Emily Donahue, a 28-year-old marketing professional, left a collection of takeaway containers in her car’s backseat earlier this month. The remnants of McDonalds have since created a noticeable odour, which has gradually filled the car’s interior.

Despite acknowledging the smell, Emily has shown little concern for addressing it.

“Yeah, I know it’s there,” Emily admitted with a laugh, “but honestly, it doesn’t bother me that much. I’m in and out of the car so quickly these days that I don’t even really notice it anymore.”

In an attempt to combat the odour, Emily’s car air freshener, a small pine-scented device hanging from her rearview mirror, has been working nonstop to the point of exhaustion.

“It’s doing its best,” Emily remarked, “the smell of pine mixed with old McDonalds is kind of nice though.”

“I’ll get around to cleaning it eventually,” she said, “but right now, it’s just not a priority.”

More to come.


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