Sophie Yilmaz’s pre-holiday excitement took a hit today after she dusted off her 8-year-old passport and it fell open at the well-worn identification page. 

Staring back at Sophie was a shadow of her current self; a red-haired, side fringe sporting, black eyeliner wearing, emo version of herself – to be exact. 

“What the hell was I thinking?” She asked herself. 

“Who let me out of the house looking like that?” 

Sophie shut her passport, but her ghost-from-emo’s-past image stayed firmly imprinted in her mind. 

The Advocate caught up with Sophie shortly after her unpleasant trip down memory lane to talk about her transition from the devil’s ambassador to the seemingly straight edge brunette she is today. 

“I had no reason to be emo. I had a loving family, went to a private school, I have had literally no adversity my entire life.” 

“I’ll never know why I felt the need to be emo.”

“But yeah, there I am. I can’t wait till this thing expires and I can get a new one.”

Haunting and regretful passport photos are rife amongst the 25-30 age group, as more often than not, their first passport was issued when they were going through some kind of experimental phase and they’re yet to update it.

Some other top anxiety-inducing trends amongst older passport holders are ‘bangs’ – a shaped cutting of the front part of the hair so it lies over the forehead – bleached blonde hair, when fake tan was more like tandoori and when facial piercings were a thing you aspired for.    




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