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A Betoota Heights bartender has unknowingly ignited primitive instincts in every women within eye shot, after performing the modern day mating display of shaking a cocktail mixer with his sleeves rolled up.

The Spanish backpacker ‘Julio’ is alleged to have started working at The Shifty Hen six weeks ago, but is already quite popular amongst the clientele – especially of the female and gay variety.

Our reporter speaks to some of the women who visited the bar last night, to learn more about Enrique’s shaking abilities.

“I already thought he was pretty hot when I walked in”, says Mia Knowles [31], salivating like a dog that licked a cane toad, “but then he brought out the cocktail shaker.”

“I don’t know what it is?”

“The rolled up sleeves.”

“Exposed forearms.”

“The rhythmic shaking of a cylinder object.”

“It’s probably one of the hottest things a man can do.”

Janelle Phillips [29] sheepishly admits she’d been on a date when she spied the bartender across the room, citing that she ‘hadn’t been able to tear her eyes away.’

“It’s not exactly good dating etiquette but the man was manning on full display”, she explains, “shaking a cocktail mixer is pretty much just the bar version of a muscle man posing competition.”

“You get the biceps, and the flexed forearms.”

“And my god, they were VEINY.”

Though Julio is said to be ‘unaware’ of his effect on woman, Shifty Hen’s manager, Claire reveals that hiring him was the best decision she ever made.

“We sell four times as many cocktails when Julio is working.”

“His arms are getting tired but they’re also getting bigger.”

“Business is booming.”

More to come.


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