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As Jules Southey [31]  sips on her cup coffee at her friend Molly’s apartment, she quickly rediscovers why her visits are few and far between.

The curse of the smug couple.

You see, Molly and her partner Jason have been together since they were sixteen, falling instantly in love when they were placed in the same English class.

Having only dated one another, they’d reached a place of rhythm and comfortability that only few could dream of, and that level of stability where neither of them felt the need to ‘explore’ or felt like they’d missed out on playing the field.

Essentially, they are truly and irrevocably content with the life they’ve created.

Which ordinarily would be a lovely thing, except reaching that level in life so early has given the couple…a somewhat unrealistic view of the way dating works for everyone else.

And, way too many opinions for a couple who’ve never had to have a blind date or had their heart broken.

As usual, because they are so content and fulfilled, Molly and Jason tend to have their freaky single mates come visit every now and then, so they can get all the juicy goss and have a laugh about it afterwards – or let’s be fair, have a laugh while the person is there.

Unfortunately Jules has played right into their hands, after being a little bit too honest with her dating life – prompting much unsolicited advice for people who have about as much dating experience as the pope.

“Yeah dating is exhausting, to be honest”, Jules had lamented, “I’ve met some wonderful guys, but I haven’t felt that spark which is frustrating.”

“Do you think you’re being too picky?”, asked Jason, which was his way of saying, ‘you sound too picky.”

“No, it’s not on purpose, I really want to like them”, she’d answered.

“Hmm”,maybe we can set her up with Bill, he’s single!”, says Molly, referring to Jason’s very weird, very socially awkward coworker who once had to be gently spoken to by the HR manager for not using deodorant, “they both like trivia.”

“No, that’s okay, thanks haha.”

“See, you are picky!”


“Gosh I’m soooo glad I’m not single”, says Jason. “I couldn’t imagine dating now.”

“But I’m sure you’ll find someone, Jules! Maybe you need to stop looking so hard?”

“Haha yeah, probably haha, Jules laughs, imagining what it’d be like to wedge the cheeseboard knife into Jason’s eye, “I’m sure that’ll work.”

More to come.


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