ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
A popular South Betoota paralegal was bailed up in the corridor of his boutique law firm this morning by one of his bosses, where he was asked why he has a bad case of the Mondays – even Monday.
Dennis Colette, currently undertaking his fifth and hopefully final year of distance Bachelor of Laws study, returned home to the desert capital in the small hours of yesterday morning from the Splendour in the Grass dance party.
“Of course I’ve got Mondayitis,” said the 24-year-old.
“I did some serious living on the weekend. I can barely operate a keyboard now, let alone order a coffee. The check engine light is on in my head right now and all I want to do it eat Easy Mac on the couch and watch highlights of the 1999 cricket and rugby world cups,”
“So yeah Mr boss man, I do have Mondayitis.”
However, while this may be a slow time of year for most law firms in the wider Diamantina Community, Colette is still expected to work diligently on other, less glorious aspects of the legal profession.
His middle manager has assigned him a pile of conveyancing paperwork and tedious amounts of contracts and partnership agreements to mosey over before someone vastly more qualified than him looks over them and publically humiliates them for a mild oversight they may have committed.
“That I can handle,” he said.
“But I just can’t handle Mondays after a weekend in Byron Bay.”
More to come.