A self-proclaimed motivational influencer has taken to social media to decry the value of university education while simultaneously peddling his own $99 course, promising to unlock the secrets of success.

Stefano Reed (32), who boasts a sizable online following, has been vocal in his criticism of traditional education systems, arguing that they fail to adequately prepare young people for the real world and are actually a complete waste of time and money.

“Uni just teaches you how to be a sheep, it’s nothing but a huge con.” Stefano explained.

“Instead of Uni you should invest in yourself, such as an affordable online course, in fact, I actually have an affordable online course, so you should probably just get that one.” Stefano said to his followers.

Many have been quick to point out Stefano’s hypocrisy but the influencer remains shockingly confident in his product.

“I don’t waste time teaching you pointless stuff like uni does, instead, I teach you actual wealth generating methods such as the bait and switch, which is when you promise someone something but actually give them something completely different, and usually worse.”

“These are real world skills that anyone can use to make money, which is all that matters in life obviously.”


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