ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A local mother has jangled her keys at her husband since 3pm local time, indicating that she’s ready to go.

Shortly after lunch had concluded at her brother-in-law’s place, Marcia Willmott began saying her goodbyes.

Her husband, Christos Willmott, had other ideas.

Their adult children are on board with Mum and have tried to pry their father away from his brothers, even though it looks like he’s enjoying himself for the first time in months.

The unrenovated French Quarter terrace his family has called home for a generation has resisted the growing tide of gentrification – but they can’t hold out forever.

“It’s nice to come back here for the Christmas day,” said Christos.

“My brother inherited this house from my parents, who arrived here from Cyprus many moons ago. I was only a child. We enjoy catching up and talking. We eat and drink in celebration,”

“Betoota has been good to my family. But my family, yeesh! They carry on! My Marcia, my beloved, has been trying to rush me all day. She wants to go home. The kids, they keep playing on their phones, no grandchildren. I blame Scott Morrison! Make houses cheaper, you God Squad freak!”

Shortly before Christos lost his temper, he told his family he’d catch a cab home.

More to come.


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