EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A couple of new dads were spotted painting the town red this weekend, after they were finally able to tee up a rare night off from the responsibilities of parenthood.

The blokes are said to have kick started their Saturday night with some beers at ‘The Whistling Pot’ bar, with witnesses reporting they were churning through on average, four pints an hour – which then progressed to multiple cocktails, all with different types of alcohol.

Filled with beer, gin, vodka, rum, whisky , and potentially some nose beers, if the constant trips to the bathroom were anything to go by, the two were very clearly not mucking about as they dropped roughly $500 on booze in the span of three hours.

“Look, it’s probably not very RSA friendly, but I let them keep getting pissed”, says one of the bartenders,, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“I don’t know how they were still standing.”

“It was impressive.”

The bartender says there was discussion about hitting the casino, though she isn’t entirely sure they made it that far.

More to come.


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