An accountants agency has become an even more hostile environment with the unexpected addition of affection.
Local financial firm, Carter’s Chartered Accountants, recently welcomed financial adviser Mike Burton (33) who has wrought havoc on the rest of his team.
Coworker Lindsey Killian (31) described her new colleagues first day at the office as “a terrifying nightmare.”
According to Killian:
“HR introduced us and then he ignored my offer for a handshake. Before I knew it, I was being embraced by him and looking over his shoulder to see myself exchanging traumatised faces with the HR team.”
Employees state Burton never misses an opportunity to initiate a hug, having once offered a hug for the simple reason he and a coworker had the same brand of muesli bar.
“Look, we’re probably going to have to fire him,” stated GM Anne Lin.
“He’s brilliant at his job, it’s just that he keeps trying to hug people which basically makes him the worst person alive.”