Local pseudo-couple Sara Henley and Will Chase don’t really know what they are.

After being on again and off again more times than a passenger on a delayed Jetstar flight, the pair can’t quite seem to decide whether they’re destined for marriage or they should just block each other’s numbers, move to different continents, and never speak to each other again.

However tonight The Advocate can report that the pair have decided to put their tumultuous history behind them, disregard the likely chance that Sara is moving to Singapore next month, and enjoy a good old fashioned pash on the dancefloor.

Enjoying a night out the town, it’s believed Sara had started her night with vibey gals dinner, a 12-person sitting at Snotti’s Italian restaurant where she enjoyed copious amounts of Rose and boy-free burrata in peace.

Meanwhile Will, a sales manager from the city, had bunkered into the corner of The Courthouse Tavern to put away several jars of pale ale with ‘the lads’ from work.

While the tempo built on their separate nights, our reporter can confirm both ended up at Sirens, the only nightclub in Betoota’s CBD which still serves shots like a Slippery Nipple or the hens favourite, a Cock-sucking Cowboy.

With both making the most of a large Friday night, it’s alleged the two managed to ‘accidentally’ bump into each other on the heaving dancefloor, much to the disgust of Sara’s friends who’d openly ‘banned’ her from texting Will.

But with the mood building in the club, witnesses say all bets were off as soon as local DJ Limewire let Rihanna’s 2011 banger ‘We Found Love’ featuring Calvin Harris’ rip on the club speakers.

“What are you doing here!” yelled Sara.

“Was gonna ask you the same thing!” replied Will.

As the beat dropped into one of the great club choruses of all time, it can be reported that Will and Sara began an enthusiastic and slobby trading of tongues under the cover of strobe lights.

More updates to come.


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