EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A millennial woman has expressed feelings of pride for a younger coworker today, after seeing the 23 year lay down some boundaries with the boss without batting an eye.

Erin Stonestreet, 32, confesses that she still finds it hard to be assertive in her thirties, but that her younger coworkers seem to have no issue with speaking up and having opinions, nor do they seem to care about mincing words or tackling problems with a more passive approach.

“My younger coworker Sophie got unfairly rinsed by the boss this morning, who was obviously just in a bad mood”, explains Erin, “and she just…told him off? Said he was being disrespectful and rude.”

“I didn’t know you could do that.”

Erin says she probably would have tried to appease the boss and gently defend herself, but that Sophie had no fear of taking him head on.

“I honestly thought it was the coolest thing ever, it’s so refreshing to see young people not taking shit from someone”, admits Erin, “he was being such a prick, and she put him in his place.”

“Good on her.”

More to come.


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