EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A local woman has this week been reminded that her incessant need to please people will only ever result in her getting the raw end of the deal, which you think she would have figured out the third, seventh or 100th time something like this had happened.

From continuously agreeing to activities that she had no desire to partake in, to saying yes to blokes she had no interest in, Sienna Barr [28] often finds herself involved in sticky situations entirely of her own doing.

Such as today, while taking an Uber to a specialist appointment downtown.

It’s alleged Sienna was scrolling on her phone in the back of an Uber when the driver had asked where she’d like to be dropped off, prompting her to respond with her go to people pleasing answer ,’whatever is easiest for you’, instead of affirming exactly where she wants to be dropped off.

Which now sees her on the wrong side of an incredibly busy six lane highway.

Despite almost getting turned into a human pancake on her way to the gyno, it’s highly unlikely Sienna will be practicing the art of assertiveness anytime soon.

More to come.


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