SMILE OVER HERE FOR A SEC: In a devastating blow to the wedding photography industry, professional wedding photographer Sam Bentley has found himself upstaged by Aunt Maeve, a 62-year-old with an outdated iPad and no clue about angles.

Bentley, who has spent years perfecting his craft, arrived at the Miller-Garcia wedding ready to capture every tender moment with his $10,000 camera setup. However, Aunt Maeve had other ideas. 

Equipped with her trusty four-year-old iPad from 2014, she stationed herself at the front of every key moment, determined to capture her own “better” shots of the couple’s big day.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Bentley, shaking his head. “She was leaning into the aisle during the vows, holding that iPad up like like the bride and groomes lives depended on it.”

Despite Mary’s insistence on using only natural light—aka whatever lighting happened to be in the room at the time—the couple’s family members couldn’t help but notice the blurry, overexposed results as she proudly shared them at the reception.

“These professionals don’t get it. It’s about capturing the moment.” Maeve declared,  casually sipping her 5th Chardonnay as she scrolled through a sea of poorly captured photos. 

More to come. 


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