EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A group of property investors have defended their decision to rent out a home going through extensive renovations, by insisting that forking out just $200 for a room is a ‘steal in this economy.’

Having purchased a run down shack just a ten minute walk from a university, which is akin to buying an orange property just six spaces away from the ‘go to’ jail tile on a monopoly board, ‘Cuck & Co’ property brothers state that they’re simply giving in to supply and demand, especially during a rental crisis. 

The property located on Daroo Street, is alleged to be undergoing both a kitchen and bathroom renovation that will likely take at least six months to complete – which, coincidentally, is about as long as they plan to rent it out for!

“Sure, it’s inconvenient, but where else are you going to pay just $200 a week for a room, located within a stone’s throw from Betoota Polytechnic?”, explains James Marshall, CFO of Cuck & Co, “students would be paying over $400 a week to live on campus.”

Despite the round the clock construction that starts at 6am every weekday, the lack of a serviceable kitchen, and the fact that tenants will have to use a portaloo, Marshall still reckons it’s a good deal.

“Look, there are people living in cars, at least they’ll have a nice comfy bed to sleep on.”

“And the house was originally built in 1989, there’s only a 60% chance they’ll be asbestos fumes flying around.”

“Beggars can’t be chooses, mate.”


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