Random local man sitting at the back of a pub beer garden on his own really wants to show someone his new tattoo but has to take his shirt off and hopes they don’t mind.

Local Betoota Heights man, Thomas Boyd (24), has found himself alone in a beer garden while waiting for his friends to arrive, like some sort of gazelle getting left behind the pack.

“Yeah it’s always a little awkward getting to the pub alone, it’s fine though, I just wish they let me know before I ordered my beer”. Thomas said.

What happened next rattled Thomas to the core. A man with his shirt half unbuttoned wearing a pirate hat unironically, approached him.

The man approaching Thomas was Ricardo Fowler (33), a local who is known by many at this pub.

“Yeah, I’ve been coming here for years now, it’s a great place, everyone loves me here so it’s kind of like a home away from home”. Says Ricardo.

When asked about the pirate hat Ricardo said.

“Yeah I love captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, I have a lot in common with him”.

While in close enough proximity to Thomas, Ricardo let out a loud,  “Whos this good looking man all alone at the pub!”

Trying to stay friendly and open minded, Thomas looked up from his phone with an awkward smile.

“I didn’t want to be rude, but the entire beer garden turned their head towards us, did he really have to yell that so loud? people thought we were good friends or something”.

Ricardo then went on to tell Thomas about all the staff gossip at the pub that Ricardo somehow knows or is just making up as he goes.

“See that bloke, he’s gonna get the sack soon, he drinks too much on the job”. He says while pointing at the staff member that’s only  3 meters away.

“Hey, wanna check out my new tattoo?”. Ricardo says while unbuttoning the rest of his shirt.

“He didn’t even give me a chance to respond, his shirt was off so quick.” Thomas says.

Ricardo then revealed a tattoo on his back of a man rock climbing.

“At this point the entire beer garden was looking at us, I just had to smile I guess, who even gets a tattoo of someone rock climbing though?”


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