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A recent study conducted by Betoota Polytechnic has revealed some interesting stats around breakups, confirming that people who were treated like shit by their partner are far more likely to have a post breakup glow up.

Interviewing 300 people who just had a breakup, the survey asked the candidates to honestly answer whether they behaved in a way that caused the relationship to end, before researchers took to their Instagram profiles to track their posts.

Lead researcher, Leslie Nolan, says there are few signs nosy Instagram followers cna look for, when trying to work out who screwed over who.

“Being in a relationship with a toxic person can be incredibly draining, making it a lot harder to look after oneself mentally, physically and emotionally”, explains Nolan, “which after some time, can take a toll on your appearance.”

“Dating the wrong person is akin to having a parasite.”

Nolan goes on to explain that it’s usually pretty easy to see who was done wrong in a relationship, by seeing who looks happier and healthier afterwards.

“If they’re working out a lot, getting out into nature or are gallivanting around Europe, they were probably the ones who got fucked over”, says Nolan, “in fact, I’d go even as far to say that the more social media action, the higher the chances they were cheated on.”

“Nothing motivates someone more than insecurity and spite.”

More to come.


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