There’s been plenty of learning going on over the last few weeks and months, across all facets of life.
One of those things has been how the country can blow off a bit of steam with our being able to get out and about.
Since the shut-down of pubs and clubs on March 23, the nation is beginning to come to terms with the fact that maybe pokies are actually pretty fucking crook.
“Maybe, all they do is cause grief and loss,” explained one local punter named Jayden whose actually been enjoying a quiet few weeks.
The Alliance for Gambling Reform says more than $1 billion has been saved in poker machine losses in the past five weeks.
That has to lead the nation to contemplate maybe, just easing up on them when pubs open back up.
“But publicans, particularly in New South Wales and Queensland always say how important the revenue is,” said Jayden.
“But maybe we shouldn’t need the predatory machines that destroy lives and families if they could claw back some revenue by the government removing the tyrannical per keg taxes,”
“And preventing Baby Boomers from being able to shut down venues by complaining about local pubs playing music loud enough to encourage young people to come in for a drink.”
“I don’t know. Something to think about really. Like now that everyone’s had a bit of time off, maybe we can just work through not letting them take hold down the track.”