The surprising comeback of over-priced frozen yogurt and the return of Euro-summer-inspired Havianas have made many trend chasers assume 2009 is going to be the theme of this upcoming summer.

The cultural reset to the times of Obama and the Black Eyed Peas has been noticed among many in the fashion and food world, who say that the return of Havianas with really loud colours, first seen in the streets of Europe this summer, are an alarming indication that 2009 is on the rebound.

Additionally, the viral sensation of frozen yogurt, which hasn’t really been seen for over a decade, has re-emerged will full force. Further indicating a shift to 2009.

“People really just can’t get enough of this stuff, it’s even crazier than last time it was big. I can charge what ever I want and lines will be flooding down the street!” Said Naomi Sky (39) a frozen yogurt store owner.

The financial world has taken notice of the up coming wave, believing this could indicate a resurgence in several businesses that have laid low over recent years.

“Hear me out.”

“Boost juice, invest in Boost juice, it’s going to make a huge come back” Said Robert Bowen (45) a financial worker.

The juice bar chain that caused frenzies in shopping centres around the country in the late 2000s is poised to also make a return this summer, if the experts are correct.

As the season unfolds, citizens are advised to brace themselves for a wave of other 2009 staples. Expect an increase in Ed Hardy T-shirts, Penny boards, and possibly even the return of Twilight mania. 


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