The Free Settler Town of Adelaide, In Southern Australia, has awoken to the coldest September morning in a century today.

A cold air mass and clear skies overnight brought a icy start to the Free State, with several South Australian towns recording below zero degrees Celsius.

Bureau of Meteorology says the city experienced 1.3C at 5:39am this morning.

While Adelaide is known for it’s cold Winters, this kind of chill is unheard of in mid-September, and has caused chaos the town’s booming fishmongerers and whale blubber traders.

Both the Methodists, Baptists and Quakers say they were forced to end mass early this morning, as the vast majority of the city shivered through a terribly cold Tuesday service before heading to work.

But it wasn’t just the Cathedrals that were freezing on the inside. It seems that the resident’s tunics and hobble skirts were simply not enough to keep locals warm on what should have been a gay and lovely September morning.

For the first time since 1924, Adelaideans’ flannel union suits have made an unseasonable Springtime appearance.

Complete with a flap on the bottom for whenever nature calls, the union suit is a rare one-piece style of underwear, most often associated with menswear in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

However, much like every other aspect of Adelaide life, the city’s local fashion has not progressed much beyond the early 1920s.

And the weather hasn’t either.

The pubs and sanitariums (hospitals) have also been ordering off-season supplies of wind-dried turf for burning, as the city does every thing it can to beat the cold.


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