A run of the mill white collar guy from our town’s very own Betoota Ponds is today preparing to depart the real world. 

Albert Johnson, who is described as a ‘just a regular guy’ by his friends, family and intimate partner, is reportedly set to become a smuggler for the better part of the next 48 hours, after purchasing a copy of the The Last of Us: Part 1 – which may have been prompted by his binge session of the wildly popular TV show.

The exciting transition doesn’t come as a result of some multiverse hop, but in the form of his brand spanking new PlayStation 5. 

With his boyfriend away on a bucks party, a fully stocked bar fridge and The Last of Us loaded up and ready to go, Albie reckons he’s set to cherish a rare free weekend. 

“Call me Joel until 9:59 pm on Sunday night,” laughed the man who will be stepping into the shoes of a cynical smuggler/ grumpy babysitter under that name. 

Although he’d probably get tennis elbow if he ever had to hold a shotgun for more than five minutes , the local office worker reckons he’s ready to pump a few rounds into the infected for the next couple of days. 

“Anyway look, The Last of Us is an all time game, and anyone who says otherwise simply doesn’t understand gaming – so, I need to be let off the leash and into the post apocalyptic world that awaits me.” 

More to come. 

This article was brought to you by PlayStation 5.


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