A white-collar man who’s friends left him at a pub beer garden at 3 AM alone, has once again entered his ‘villain era’ as he was able to be rude, careless, loud and sneaky all at the same time.

Local marketing man Xavier Howard (32), was in the city on his usual drink up with some of the lads from work. Once again, Xavier found himself in the same situation as last week, his friends had left but he was still in the beer garden wanting to kick on .

While staring at his reflection through the top of his rum and coke, something came over him that only really happens to guys wearing a business suit in a pub full of young people when they’re left alone for too long, he turned into a Joker-like, agent of chaos.

Xavier recounted the story in an ominous warning to other white collar men who frequent inner city pubs often.

“Something just came over me that made me want to be the rudest, most unbearable man this pub had ever seen.”

“I was knocking over people’s drinks as I strutted to the bar to order another rum and coke, I was borrowing lighters off people and putting them straight in my pocket. I really don’t know where it came from.”

While the mysterious phenomena seems to have rattled Xavier, many say this is just a symptom of a man realising he’s the only person at the pub wearing a suit, and most likely the oldest person inside also.

“I spent the rest of the night putting my arm around younger guys and telling them really useless life advice and things to avoid that I still do, and will continue to do.” Xavier recounted.

Although Xavier didn’t do anything illegal, it’s believed the toll of his annoyance to others around him will send ripple effects throughout the community.


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