I’M IMPRESSED: Just yesterday, local woman Isaac Newton (not the scientist) had taken to his Instagram stories to let his online community know he’d just finished a run at her local park. The modest 5km run, tracked down to the millimetre on Strava was posted with a simple caption, “Felt good to be out there!”.

“Woah, That’s Amazing! Incredible Data!” No one thought when viewing the 15 second highlight of her mundane morning. 

“The distance, the pace, the calories burned – it was all just so… wow. I mean, who knew running could produce such mind-blowing statistics?” replied no one.

The professional running community though, wasn’t in the slightest impressed. When talking to The Betoota Advocate, fellow Strava enthusiast, Jack Barrett, who knows Isaac’s morning running route all to well said “It was just a regular run,”  

“But hey, if it inspires someone, that’s cool, I guess?”

A spokesperson from the app has phrased Isaac’s Instagram story stating “We need more of that level of excitement in our industry,” 

And Isaac wonders why runners get a bad rep? 

More to come. 


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