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A woman who has just gotten back from an overseas trip has been overheard going on about how ‘boring Australia is’, having experienced free pour alcohol for the first time in her life.

Tasha Phillips, 23, says her recent trip to Florida has completely changed the way she views Australia, admitting that she hadn’t been aware of how ‘controlling the government was’, until now.

Having spent the majority of her three week trip taking full advantage of reckless alcohol promotions, a sallow looking Tasha says she now understands why Australians have such a reputation for being obnoxious drunks overseas.

“It’s actually insane how much alcohol you can get for $20”, says Tasha, shaking her head, “I couldn’t believe it.”

“Like, you’ll ask for one drink, and this is how much alcohol they’d put in it”, she says mimicking the motion of a bartender pouring a bottle of spirits, “it just kept going!”

Tasha says that even though she initially started the trip wishing Australia wasn’t so rigid with its alcohol laws, it’s ‘probably a good thing’ that we have some rules.

“Yeah, it would be way too dangerous to have those kind of lax alcohol laws here.”

“We’d all end up in hospital.”

More to come.


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