There have been a series of reports that local woman Dina Navis (25), has frantically been telling anyone and everyone that they should really give Pilates a try.

The recent enthusiast of the mind-body exercise, developed in early 20th century Germany, claims the new workout has miraculously transformed her body overnight and that anyone who hasn’t tried it should really give it a go.

Reports of unrequested health advice began coming in on Sunday morning after a friend of Dina’s was unlucky enough to get lunch with her only hours after a Pilates workout.

“It was as if I’d never heard of Pilates or something,” cried Lisa (24), Dina’s friend.

“And the core! Don’t get me started on the core muscles. She spent over half an hour talking about the goddamn core!”

After lunch, Dina then sat her housemates down and had a serious talk about why the house should be implementing a group Pilates workout—that’s after she told her bus driver that Pilates had changed her life on the way there.

The increase in calls to report being forcibly sat down and told to do Pilates is nothing new.

The workout that, for some reason, creates cult-like allegiance after only a few tries is constantly finding new members to go out into the world and proselytize.

Dina says she only has good intentions and that she intends to spread the important message about the significance of maintaining a strong core.


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