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Despite usually only copping a couple of spam text messages a week, local woman Lorry Cox, 27 has now found herself inundated with random sales offers from Kogan, Binge and the various skin clinics she’s visited over the past five years, including four this morning alone.

Had this been a normal week, this bombardment of messages would cause some slight annoyance at worst. 

But seeing as Lorry is impatiently waiting to hear from her crush, it’s become a form of psychological torture, to the point where she’s now heavily considering shutting her phone off all day.

“Every time my phone vibrates, I get all excited, thinking he’s going to ask me out again”, says Lorry, “but no, it’s Laser Skin Clinics is offering 50% off all laser hair removal.”

“Which would have been useful if I’d gotten a text back, but now it’s just adding insult to injury.”

Lorry says she feels as though the universe is conspiring against her, and that these companies somehow know she’s waiting to hear back from someone.

“I don’t know how, but they know.”

More to come.


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