EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A Queensland expat who promised herself she’d finally become one of those stylish coat wearing women you see on Pinterest has this week conceded defeat, by going back to her faithful puffer jacket, which is by far, the warmest item of clothing she owns.

Despite having bought a series of well fitted blazers, jackets and a Penny Lane style coat to brave the frosty Melbourne winter, Nadia Kinselas, 28, says the practicality and warmth of a puffer jacket simply cannot be outdone – even if it is extremely unflattering.

Explaining that she’s aware she’s wearing the same outfit as roughly half the population at the moment (puffer jacket and jeans) Nadia says she’s just too fucking cold to care about what she looks like anymore.

“I tried, I really did”, sighs Nadia, “it’s just been way too fucking cold.”

“Blazers and jackets won’t cut it, and a trench coat is just too impractical to lug around.”

Cuddling into her puffer jacket, which appears to be shedding feathers, Nadia says maybe next year is the year she gets stylish.

More to come.


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