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Despite doing her best to eat well, exercise and lay off the alcohol (the last one is a lie), local woman Elfy Jeynes [30] always has something a little out of whack.

Whether it’s a random case of the runs and a bloated stomach, a cold, or just generally feeling extremely tired for no reason, it seems as though Elfy isn’t able to get even a few days reprieve from complaining about something – which Elfy chalks up to simply getting older and reaching the ‘lactose/gluten intolerant age demographic.’

“It’s so weird, a year and half ago, I was never sick”, she explains, “never had a cold, rarely had a stomach ache.”

“Now I’m 30 and it’s just nonstop.”

“I’ve tried testing myself to see if I have a gluten or dairy intolerance but there’s no pattern to my sickness.”

“This is just how life is for me now.”

When asked how she’s feeling today, Elfy just gives out reporter a teary smile.

“I have my period.”

More to come.


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