EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A bloke who reckons that 80% women on dating apps only swipe right on the ‘top 10% of men’, has failed to realise that if that were the case, none of his mates would be in relationships, let alone married.

Despite being surrounded by ordinary people very much in love, Ben Carson, 32, is convinced the system is rigged against him, and that the reason he can’t get past date three is because women are simply shallow creatures.

“Dating apps are a waste of time” , says Ben, who has managed to write something negative in all three of his Hinge prompts, including ‘Friends isn’t funny’, and has a close up image of him scowling at the camera at his leading photo, “it’s just not possible for someone like me to get a date.”

“They all just want a handsome, six foot bloke with a six pack, who makes six figures”, he adds, describing about 1% of the population, “there’s just no chance for a normal bloke like me.”

Of course, because Ben only ever talks about his dating woes with other blokes online, and not women who may also experience problems on apps too it just reaffirms his beliefs that he’s hard done by.

“It’s just not fair.”

More to come.


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