A local uni student is about to experience the destructive force of Korean rocket fuel this evening as he attempts to broaden his cultural palate.

Out for a night of cheap dumplings in Betoota’s Chinatown district, its understood mechanical engineering student Chase Farnworth (23) has gathered with a bunch of classmates he’s recently met in his MECH3610: Advanced Thermofluids course.

Sitting on a plastic stool in the back alleys of Sago Lane, Chase found himself star struck by delicious plates of deep fried eggplant and greasy dumplings, packed with exotic flavours he’s never experienced mainly because he’s used to the cabbage and pork blend found in a servo dim sim.

But having knocked off 14 deep fried prawn and mushroom dumplings, Chase decided he’d park the six- pack of Tsingtao he bought from a nearby asian supermarket and dabble his taste buds in the bright green bottles of Soju being passed around the table.

Helping himself to a long swig, Chase eased up after hearing the rest of the table audibly gasp and giggle at his thirst for the sweet grape-flavoured nectar.

“Woahhh ease up there mate, we’ll need to order you a taxi,” warned Andy Hyun, one of Chase’s new classmates.

“Yeah we’ve all got that test tomorrow, you won’t be fit for it,” advised another.

“You mean this lolly water? Nah mate I can handle it, it just tastes like Hubba Bubba!” replied Chase, unaware he’d just necked two and half standard drinks worth of the world’s most nuclear alcohol in one mouthful.

“Watch me finish it!,” he goaded, polishing off the rest and making a start on a lychee flavoured variety.

Having never suffered the gut-wrenching consequences of spending a night drinking radioactive rice wine, Chase decided he’d continue his “white boy can drink” persona and try to impress his new friends.

“It’s got nothing on rum, I reckon I could drink a six pack of these easily…”

Life defining hangovers to come.


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